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Gas barbecues | Barbecues Site

Gas barbecues

When buying a barbecue there are many models available, among the best-selling gas barbecues stand out for being fast, efficient and with an economic price.

Best gas barbecues on the market. Discover them!

What advantages do these barbecues have?

Exactly, what advantages do they have for you to decide to buy for a gas barbecue? First of all is the speed of ignition . Just press a button and wait about 5 minutes to start. This helps make the task of cooking faster and with much more leeway when it comes to improvising.

For some, a barbecue is associated with making a big smoke. Smoke is not unpleasant for many people, but for those who do, gas barbecues are perfect. They do not generate it either on lighting or during cooking, which makes them much healthier.

The gas barbecue is characterized by its fast ignition and little smoke when preparing food.

Another notable advantage is that these barbecues allow better control of power. With other barbecues, such as charcoal, you should place the charcoal evenly on each side of the barbecue so that the heat is evenly distributed. With gas, it is not necessary, because by pressing a few buttons you can turn on one area or another of the barbecue.

In addition, the intensity of the heat is fully adjustable, with wood or charcoal barbecues, the flames can grow until they touch the food, being able to burn the surface and leaving the interior too raw.

Gas barbecues typically have a longer lifespan than a charcoal barbecue. The greater durability of these barbecues means that, although the investment is greater for buying a barbecue with superior characteristics, in the long run the investment is more profitable and therefore, the gas barbecue is cheaper.

On the other hand there is the issue of security. Since they use gas, these barbecues are much safer than charcoal ones, reducing the chances that an ember could blow out due to the wind and cause a fire. With this type of barbecues you don’t have to worry.

Space for some could be an issue, as gas barbecues tend to be large. However, today there are small and even portable gas barbecue models for those who want to go to the countryside or do not have so much space in the garden.

How to choose the ideal gas barbecue?

Are you not sure what you should take into account when buying your gas barbecue? It can be difficult seeing so many models on the market, but here are the things to keep in mind:

  • The size: What size do you need for your gas barbecue? Think that these are larger than other types of barbecue, so you may need a lot of space. But, if your idea is to take it with you when you go on a trip, you will have to look for a more compact model.
  • Will you use it often ?: Do you like to have family gatherings? Or are you just going to buy it for special occasions? Depending on what you want it for, you will be interested in a cheaper model or invest in a more expensive one.
  • Lid or without lid ?: Do you know that there are models of gas barbecues that are sold without a lid? This is what is commonly known as a gas grill. It is much better if it has a lid, because it helps the food to cook better. But, still, you like the way the food is without a lid.
  • Location: Although the location of a gas barbecue does not cost as much to decide, as if it happens with charcoal ones, it is important to check that you have the necessary space to install it.

How to use a gas barbecue correctly?

Do you think that grilling on a gas barbecue is something you will learn in just one day? Of course not! If you want the food you prepare in it to be perfect, you are going to have to learn a series of tricks:

  • The grill always clean: Is this obvious to you? For many it is not so. It is true that these types of butane barbecues do not have to be cleaned as much as others, but the smoke from the grill leaves a bad taste in the food if it is not cleaned well. In addition, the fat generated by the heat will also stick to the grill, and this can spoil the taste of some dishes. For example, if you’ve previously cooked fish, and you don’t clean it well, the flavor could stick to the flavor of the meat.
  • Watch out for outbursts: Yes, gas barbecues are safe, but when grease from food mixes with a spark, or flame, an unexpected outbreak can occur. To avoid this, it is necessary to have an empty part of the grill, to be able to move the food in the event that the flame rises.
  • Sugar and heat, what is there to know ?: There are foods that are cooked with sauces, and these are very rich in sugar. Sugar burns when it reaches a temperature of 130º C. When you cook this type of food, you must ensure that your barbecue does not exceed this temperature.
  • Always keep an eye on the barbecue: It is great fun to be in a meeting with friends and family while the barbecue takes care of preparing the dishes, but are you going to leave it unattended? A single mistake and it could spoil the doneness, start a fire or go out without you noticing and spoil the evening.
  • Perfect cooking point: Gas barbecues can reach a temperature of up to 300º C. This does not mean that all the food that you are going to cook with it should be done at this temperature. For example, lamb, pork or beef must be cooked at a high temperature, but fish, vegetables or chicken must be cooked over medium heat. You will have to be patient with the cooking times.
  • Do you know how to use sealing ?: To obtain the best flavor on a barbecue, sealing is one of the great secrets of cooking in this type of instrument. Helps give meat an excellent flavor, like caramelized. To do this, you have to heat the grill to the maximum, place the meat and wait a minute. After the minute, it is turned over, the heat is reduced and it is done.
  • Learn to use indirect heat: To grill some types of meats, such as chicken, it is best to use indirect heat. To do this, you have to turn off the burners under the meat and turn on only those in the corners. This way the meat will not overcook and will have a unique texture.

How should a gas barbecue be cleaned?

If this is the first time you have a gas barbecue, you may not know how to clean it. This type of barbecue requires two types of cleaning; one after each use and once a year.

For the general one you will have to light the barbecue, with the oven lid closed, for about 20 minutes. This will burn the remains of fat and food, achieving a quick partial cleaning. After 20 minutes, turn off the barbecue and let it cool down. Next, disconnect the gas cylinder and the burners. With a brass brush, proceed to clean the grill, and then with a sponge dampened with mild soap (containing neutral pH) and warm water. You will have to do the same with the deflectors. Do not use abrasive products, as this will damage the enamel of the barbecue.

And for the rest of the barbecue? One or two a year will suffice. For the burners you will have to remove them, removing the rear clip, and wash them with a steel bristle brush . Make sure you are cleaning the burner holes, thus ensuring maximum cleaning. To clean the interior well, you can use a watering hose, inserting it through the hole. Once finished, let it dry.

The lid is the easiest area to clean, as you only need a sponge, barbecue cleaner, and warm water. In the case of white stains, or corrosion, you can use cooking oil. Dip a cloth in this oil and apply it with circular movements.

The side trays will depend on the material . If it is made of wood, you can use teak oil, but if it is made of steel, better use a barbecue cleaner. Lastly, the ground. These types of barbecues can generate stains that are very difficult to clean. This is why it is best to install a barbecue pad or splash mats.

Where should you put your gas barbecue?

The great advantage of this type of barbecues is that it is much easier to locate them than other types. You can have it on a terrace or in the garden, without any problem, since they are much safer and there is not so much chance of fire.

Even if they don’t smoke as much, ideally they should n’t be near doors or windows . It is also not recommended that it be near the area where you are going to eat , as the smell of gas could be annoying for your guests.

Gas barbecues are great for grilling chicken and skewers.

Since size is a negative factor in this type of barbecue, you should find a place with a lot of space to install it. Generally, they are usually put on terraces , but if you have a large garden, you can also have it in that area without problems.

Better or worse than other barbecues?

This barbecue also has some disadvantages. For example, there is its price. While it may be safer, charcoal barbecues are a cheaper investment . In addition, you must ensure that the cylinder does not run out of gas.

In addition, you cannot enjoy the fantastic experience that results from lighting a barbecue. On the other hand, you will not be able to take it anywhere. These barbecues are big and heavy, and you must add the extra weight of the bottle. Although there are smaller models, they are much more bulky than other types of barbecues.

The stainless steel gas barbecue has a high durability.

Even so, they have the great advantage that they are easier to locate in some area of ​​your land , without having to worry that a fire could be caused by a small oversight.

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