The best vegetables to grill on the barbecue

Along with meats, grilling vegetables is one of the most classic barbecue traditions. However, not all vegetables are suitable for barbecue. So which ones are the best for barbecue?

Are barbecue grilled vegetables better?

They can be much healthier than, for example, if you made them in a pan. Since they are not made with so much oil, they can even be cooked without it, it is a delicious delicacy.

In addition, roasted vegetables are the perfect garnish to accompany some dishes OR, if you are in vegetarian mode, you could make a barbecue only with vegetables. Many people prefer to make these barbecues because they are healthy and light.

What vegetables can be used for barbecue?

Let’s proceed to talk about which are the best vegetables to grill on the barbecue. Not all of them can be barbecued, remember that well, so you should take note of this list:


If there is a vegetable that is typical to make on the barbecue, especially during the summer months, those are the calçots. A very simple dish to prepare, which hardly takes any of your time, and which is very delicious . It can be taken alone, accompanied by a good sauce or used as a starter for your meal.


Are you a proponent of vegetarian barbecues? Because you could include the tofu within the ingredients of the vegetables to grill on the barbecue. You just have to worry about removing all the water from the tofu , and then cutting it before passing it through the grill, so that it is well browned.


Have you never made corn on the cob on a barbecue? Because it is a very rich food, and as a garnish for some meals, it is great. You just have to remove the leaves, spread a little oil with a little salt and put on the barbecue. Some use the trick of wrapping it in aluminum foil. Every 15 minutes you have to turn it over , and then let it cool for about 5 minutes.


Tomatoes can also be roasted, even the smallest ones. It is enough to use a double grill, to keep them at a suitable height and that the embers do not fall through the main grate. The large ones, or you can roast them whole or sliced, depending on your personal taste.


Do you have some cucumbers at home and you don’t know what to do with them? Don’t think so much about it and put them to make on your barbecue! You can make such a delicious dish with cucumbers as a garnish , well cut into not too thick slices, with which everyone will lick their fingers.


Do you like aubergine made in a pan? Because you’re going to love it roasted on a barbecue. Cut it into slices that are not too thick, smear each slice with a little oil with a skin and fire. In a few minutes they will be ready. It is better that they are prepared with an indirect fire.


A food as delicious as carrots could not be missed for a barbecue, right? It would be a good idea to make it sliced ​​or cut in half. Although if you put it on a skewer, along with other vegetables, you will get a better result when roasting them.


Roasted peppers are one of the best delicacies in the world, especially if you know how to get the most out of your fire. So why not try making it for your barbecue? You could even make it stuffed with cod or potato. What comes to mind!


It is true, the potato is more of a vegetable than a vegetable, but if you do a barbecue with vegetables, it is an ingredient that must be among the delicacies that you are going to make . Our recommendation? Make them roasted on the barbecue, cut in half and with some seasoning to enhance its flavor.

What is the best way to barbecue vegetables?

The truth is that you can make them in whole pieces, slices or whatever you want. If you want to surprise the guests, our recommendation is that you put the vegetables like a skewer, with the pieces cut into squares. This way it is easy to grill them and they can be a perfect starter for your barbecue.

Now, if you make them sliced, or even whole, never let the fire go directly to the vegetables. These burn very quickly, and will be charred in a matter of minutes . So, always put the vegetables aside.

In fact, the vegetable can be roasted at the same time as the meat is made, putting the meat in the center and the vegetables on the side. Smearing the grill grates with a little oil will prevent them from sticking together. And don’t forget to use a double rack when the vegetable is small.

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